Monday, November 10, 2008

Week at Walgreens

Well as I said, Walgreens had some cool deals this week. Combine that with the great coupons and you had a really good week.

Trip 1:

On this stop, I got:

2 papers (more coupons) .93 each
3 tissue papers .99 for all three
1 can Progreso Soup 1.25 (with in ad coupon)
1 Blue Bonnett Marg .67 (with in ad coupon)
2 Reach Floss .99 (with in ad coupon)
1 Corn Starch .50 (with in ad coupon)
1 Baking Powder .50 (with in ad coupon)

I then used:
-$1.10 Progreso mc coupon HERE (final - .15)
- $1.00 mc coupon for corn starch and Baking soda(Sunday's paper)(final-FREE)
- $1.00 mc coupon for Reach floss (final-FREE)
- $1.00 mc coupon for Reach floss (final-FREE)
- .50 mc for the Blue Bonnett Margarine(Sunday's paper)(final- .17)

tax on that was .39

bringing my total to - $3.54 (on gift card)

Trip 2

I bought:

4 baking powders - .50 each (with in ad coupon)
3 Blue Bonnett Marg - .67 each (with in ad coupon)
1 Sunkist - $1.29

Then I used:
2 - $1.00 off 2 Baking soda(Sunday's paper)(final-FREE)
3 - .50 mc for the Blue Bonnett Margarine(Sunday's paper)(final- .17)
1 - $1 off Sunkist Soda (printed from the register in a previous trip)

My total was then .79
+ .17 tax
=.96 (on gift card)

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