Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Spy With My Little Eye

Okay well, at first glance, I saw NOTHING this week. Well except the Dawn for .99, which is the case the first week of every month. So, I plan to get some, since there will likely be coupons for .25-.50 off in the P&G coupon section in the morning. (it .99 at CVS and Walgreens)

I have not seen anything more at CVS, though I am looking at a partial ad, for whatever reason, it is not the full ad, so I am not 100% sure I have seen everything. Walgreens this week, I plan to get the .99 Dawn, since it will be cheap, and for some reason we always have dirty dishes.

I also see that they have Schick Quattro razors, they are on sale for 5.99. The Easy Saver Catalog has a $3 coupon. There are two manufactures coupons I see that will work with this deal. One is a BOGO free coupon. The other is a $2 off. My suggestion is :

Buy 2 for 11.98
use one BOGO -5.99
use ESC coupon-6.00 (should double automatically)
that would give you 2 for free!

Sometimes in some stores, they will let you use another coupon with the BOGO coupon. So what I would do is give them the BOGO coupon first, then the Easy Saver Coupon, THEN the other $2 MC. That way if they decide not to take it, no loss.

They also have cream cheese 1.79 each, but they are BOGO, so when you buy two that is roughly .90 cent each, that is not bad.

This is all I see at the moment. However, I am VERY tired and ready for the bed. I have some pumpkin to tend to and then I am going to CRASH. I will share more a little later. Goodnight ;)

1 comment:

silly lilly's said...

I'm glad you're back! I've missed you!