Friday, November 14, 2008

About that meat ...;)

Well, since you asked about meat...I went to Kroger tonight. I had two things on my mind. The 39 cents per pound turkey AND the $1.67 per pound Boneless Skinless Chicken breast. This is what I got:

1 21 pound turkey! YAY! (8.31)
6 8 oz packages of cheese (3/$5) (Remember all that pepperoni?)
1 Oscar Myer Bacon (1.69)
1 Ham lunch meat (1.29)
1 Coffee Mate (1.99)
3 cloth napkins (.25 each) ~ For a kids craft project
1 bag of fall candles (.97)


- .50 mc on the coffee mate (doubled)
+ .58 tax

NOW in all the excitement about that HUGE turkey (anyone want to join our "misfit Thanksgiving" I think we have enough turkey!) I forgot to get my rain check on the chicken. I may just pay the 1.99 at Lowes Foods this week.

Just to show you what a 21 pound turkey would normally cost...

1 comment:

The Copelands said...


also it looks like you got the peppermint mocha creamer....sooooo yummy!! I have that and have been LOVING it!