Well, I did make the run yesterday with my screaming kids in tow! I went to two different stores. The store I use most didn't have but one pack of the razors AND they didn't want to use both of my Soy Joy Coupons, so I went to another store after I bought the razors :)
So first transaction was...
Bic Razors 5.99
-$2 MC Coupon
-3.99 in ECBs
Total with tax .14
ECB earned $4
Second transaction-
5 Soy Joy bars $5 (Matt has already eaten one, that is why there are only 4)
-$3 off 5
-$1 (Buy two get one free)
-.99 ECB
Total with tax .04
ECB earned $4
So, if you don't consider the .23 cent I spent out of pocket (oop), I earned $3 in ECB's! YAY! I plan to go back for more razors, my store should get another truck in on Tuesday, so that would be good! AND just for the record, Matt said the Soy Joy bars really aren't that bad :)
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