Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Or maybe Tuesday/Thursday......

Alright, well......I have a LOT on my plate right now and so maybe I'll post on Tuesday/Thursday instead of Monday/Wednesday/Friday.  I think that is a much more realistic goal.  And even that we may have to cut down, but we'll see.

So today's different thing that we do....

We make our own shampoo!!  Tis true!  It can be done!  :)

I am really enjoying it.  It is very easy and works well.  It all started when I began to notice a build up on my hair brushes.  I had just been using whatever budget shampoo I could get my hands on.  It didn't matter what it was, if it was cheap, I'd use it!  Let's be honest, I have a LOT of hair and not a lot of money!  So, it was working.  But when I noticed the build up, I really didn't like it.

I started checking into making our own, and it is EASY!

I mix-
1 cup Dr Bonner's castile soap (I have used other brands and they don't work as well)
 2 Tbs apple cider vinager
1/4 cup water
a few drops tea tree oil & vitamin e

We keep it in a spray bottle in the shower, all four kids use it and I do too!  It's great :)

See you Thursday!!

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