Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hammocks of the newest "different" things in our home is our hammocks.  We (yes, we) sleep in hammocks.  The kids do EVERY night, my hubby and I sleep in our randomly.  But we all enjoy swinging instead of bed sleep.  So......WHY?

Well, my hubby and I were out on a date one night (yes, rare, but it does happen occasionally) and we began talking about our kids and their need to have new sleeping arrangements.  The baby was quickly "outgrowing" his pack-n-play and so, we had to find something different.  At that time, our boys were in bunk beds and the girl was in a day bed.  We were thinking two bunk beds, that would just be the easiest....we thought.  When we began looking into it we decided that two bunk beds would be VERY crowded in one room.  We didn't really like that idea.  We aren't really big on furniture...and that would have been a LOT.

So......we began exploring our options.  We looked at building beds that would be custom fit for that room.  We looked at lofts in the name it, we explored it.  Then we thought, why do they have to sleep in beds?  We started looking into hammocks and with the idea.

We asked the kids how they felt about never making their beds again.  They eagerly agreed that would be nice.  We asked them about hammocks and they were sold. VERY excited :)

We searched and searched and then bought four hammocks.  The ones we chose were fairly cheap, about $40 each.  We were happy with that since we likely wouldn't have found bunk beds for less thatn $160.  We bought them they came in and the were nice.....a bit small, but nice.

We quickly decided that our eldest needed a bigger hammock.  Once we got his we liked it so much we exchanged them all.  Then bought an extra....just in case we had an emergency in the middle of the night and needed it!

The good things about hammocks are-
-ALL the extra space
-EASY cleaning, just throw in the wash/dryer
-no pressure points on your body
-very inexpensive
-no bed's to make
-just plain fun!

The bad things about hammocks-
-no bed to bounce on (my kids always say they want their beds back to bounce)
-have to hang it in the morning, we have nails where they hang their hammocks, so that they have the room free.
-I am drawing a blank......

Mommy & Daddy's hammock

The first hammocks

Our newest hammocks
I'd be happy to answer any and all questions you have about our hammocks.  We love them, they are a perfect fit for our family, but I would totally agree that they are not for everyone.

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