Thursday, May 24, 2012


Now that I have scared you all off and I know you won't be reading anything else I write, I feel "safe" writing here.  I'm not a great writer but sometimes it's just nice to have a place to get things off my mind.

I was coming home last night from a women's bible study I am doing and running a few childless errands (yes it was VERY NICE!) and I heard something that really struck me....actually it hit me square in the face.  Kinda scared me a bit.

I don't know who said it, I was only half listening and then I heard something like this--many Christians today can't make a stand on scripture because they aren't reading the scriptures.  They are simply reading what other people say about the scriptures, and not reading it for themselves.  So they don't know what the Word of God actually says.

OUCH!  That hit me square in the face.  I have read a few things lately, and planned to read even more that wonderful people wrote.  These books are NOT bad, and God has used them to many great things, but they are not scripture.  I personally had sorta replaced scripture with these books...not that I thought the books were as important as scripture, but more that I thought since I was reading and learning from them it was good scarey.  I am actually ashamed to admit that "out loud."  But it makes me wonder how many of us are doing that?

I am really excited b/c just last night I started a new Bible study with a group of moms.  I am really looking forward to it.  And ironically as I sat in the room last night I was sorta confused b/c they didn't hand out a know a Bible study book?  I thought it kinda odd that we would begin a study without a book.  Later they handed out a "plan" if you will, that showed what they study would look like.  I was puzzled that we would be studying just a verse or two each day.  Yes, we are getting a book sometime soon, but for starters they just want us studying the Word of God.  How simple.  How amazing.  How just what I needed at the moment I needed it.  God knew what his girl needs.  He gave it to me, then He told me why.

I have started this "simple" study.  WHEW.  I think it's going to be really good.  And you know what is even more exciting?  I have "studied" two verses and now I can't WAIT to get to another one tomorrow!  God is growing my desire for His word!  Which is the very thing I have been asking Him to do for weeks!  Maybe now I have gotten some of the distractions out of my way and I can truly love Him more!

Now, if I can just keep from comparing myself to the other moms in the study! 


Anonymous said...

In case you didn't know, I think you are an amazing wife, mama and friend. I have looked up to for quite a few years now. :) I am not sure if I am going to continue the Bible Study. Once I started to look at our calender, I really can't commit to even half the nights. :( See you Sunday!

The Chilsons said...

Oh Michelle! You are such an encourager! Thank you for your sweet words!! I am really sad that you may not be in the Bible study! Maybe you can come when you can? I'd love to hear more from you and get to know you better!

Leslie S said...

Yea God! This takes more effort to comment than FB, but I'm making the effort. :) It is SO easy to slide into reading about God and the Bible and what others think and say....I am constantly fighting the slide that way. I am is easy...and so many are so much smarter and more thoughtful than me! The accountability of this group is good for me too! And Michelle (if you read this), if Ameila can do this from her bed and never come, you can do it and come when you can!

The Chilsons said...

Thanks for making the effort Leslie! :) I really appreciate it!

Alison said...

GREAT point! Thanks for saying it!