So, I am no longer on Facebook, I am two weeks into a new Bible study that truly digs into the Word of God and overall our days are much better. They run smoother and I am just plain happier! I also have to confess that we got to camp TWICE in May (which those who know me well, know that is where I am most "ME") and it is NOT my time of the month (which tends to make me a little grouchy). But I also must tell you that we (well I-really, but for the sake of the blog I'll say the whole family) are going through a bit of a transition here. My sweet hubby has worked crazy shifts our entire married life. But the past couple of years he has for the most part worked from 5am-1:30pm. Which meant that about the time of day where I was thinking about pulling my hair out and using it to tie the kids to the fans, my hero walked through the door! Yes, I was a spoiled rotten little brat and I knew it and loved it. But that has all changed. He now works mostly from 9am-5:30pm. I know most of you are laughing and saying so what? But that is new to us and hard for me. That's an extra 4 hours per day I get, ALONE, with my kids and without my husband. It's been a little rough, but we're dealing with it.
Yesterday we had our inflatable pool out in the yard ready for use! We (the kids and I) were REALLY looking forward to enjoying some time out there! We finally got the morning chores done and got out there and we all were really enjoying the time in the sun and water. I was beginning to think THIS is the life. I started thinking about enjoying some sun and water solo during nap time, but wasn't really sure I could swing it. I laughed to myself when I thought about a SWEET friend (you know who you are) and how she used to lay out in the pool, pre kids. I missed her and wanted her to come lay out with me. YES, those of you who know me well, I was thinking about laying out. No, in my entire 30 years I am not sure that I have ever had this desire before, it was strange...VERY STRANGE.
I finally got the kids on the back porch for lunch and I started to explain how this was going to go down. They would go to talking, no getting up and I would go outside to do my Bible Study with Joshua in charge. I didn't expect much, but thought it would be worth a shot. Everything went EXACTLY as planned. The younger three fell asleep and Joshua rested with his books. I enjoyed 45+ minutes outside in the sun and water with my Father. Sisters, this was SO close to heaven on earth. It had to be. I loved EVERY second. All 2,700 of them. BLISS. I thought about blogging to tell you about it, but I refused. I can't stand the whole "share your best moments - hide the monstrous ones". So I decided it was best just to not tell you.
Then today came. We were planning to go to the park this morning, mommy needed some exercise. I got some good workouts in this week and I am trying to keep up the momentum. Whew. It is HARD! Anywho, about the time we were getting ready to go the rain started. Strike one. (which was after the baby had SCREAMED through breakfast--still have no idea why). Anyway, so I decided I'd work out on the wii fit while the kids played or whatever and the baby napped. Good plan. Baby down for nap, mommy on wii. Yes, this will work. The kids were SUPER encouraging to me and pushed me to work harder and do better. It was good....and fun! I like this. Note to self, do this again. The baby woke up and I was EXHAUSTED after 50+ minutes of a HARD workout. I let the kids take over on the wii and I went to get the baby. I opened the door and I smelled it. I knew what had happened, I didn't need to see anything at all. STRIKE TWO (or is this three?) anyway....there I was, worn out, starving (b/c it is noon) and the baby has taken off his diaper and pooped and peed ALL in the pack-n-play. SERIOUSLY. I put the baby in the tub and started cleaning up. The girl peed in her pants, for the fourth time today-yes it is only noon (more on that in another post). I had promised her that if she peed in her pants again I would get out the XL happy heiny diapers and she would be wearing them again. I was TOTALLY serious. So I did that, finished cleaning up the baby and started lunch.
Sisters, let me tell you. That work out.....I still haven't quite gotten over that. Got lunch served and asked my oldest to get something out of the fridge. I seriously was just too worn out to go get it myself....and that precious child of mine.....he managed to spill an entire gallon of SWEET (sticky) tea on our kitchen floor. sigh.
This is just a small glimpse of the strikes that have happened in our little day (and I didn't even bother with the "little" things) and I still have THREE+ hours before my sweet husband gets home. I promised him last night that I wouldn't let the three biggest kids sleep today b/c we want them to go to bed early so we can have a little date the marathon continues.....this should be fun.
And this is why I'll never be a great blogger. I can't just share the things that make my life look perfect. I want to be real, but then when I looks like this.....a small dissertation. It's okay. Really, I blog b/c it helps to tell someone. And, I can honestly say, this day would have been 10xs worse had I not started that new Bible study. God has given me the grace I needed to smile and keep going. After all these precious children are a gift from God. God is good and gives good gifts.....and I can't help but think that He is enjoying you laughing as you read (and likely picture) how our day has been.....truth is....I am sure He is happy that I am laughing! A few weeks ago this would NOT have been laughable at ALL!
:) This IS good blogging. Didn't realize you were back on this one!
oh, you are funny! had me LOL! i guess i'm not going to live down laying in the pool in the sun, am i?? ;) i wish i had been there to enjoy it with you!! great post!
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