Friday, May 20, 2011

What's for dinner??

I absolutely HATE that question. I do NOT like making that decision. EVER. Honestly, I don't really even like deciding where to go out to eat. But it must be done. Matt and I have started making a monthly dinner menu, and it is amazing!! All month long I have KNOWN what we are going to eat and when/how to prepare for that! It has been wonderful. We took into account when we had things going on that would make dinner rushed and when I would really have time to do dinner prep! SIMPLY.AMAZING. I find it very amazing that for almost three weeks, I have known what we will have for dinner and not had to stress....AND we have NOT eaten out! Well, we ate out for Mother's Day, but that was on the plan ;)

Do you make a menu? Do you do a week or a month? Do you plan breakfast and lunch too? Do you stick with it??


The Roberts Eight said...

menu's are great! they work great for us, too. i just plan for the week since we grocery shop on saturday. plus our plans change constantly so it's hard to do a month. i only plan dinner b/c i'm not that committed to cooking breakfast and lunch. those have to be quick. :) we try to stick with it. this week, i've made 2 of the meals that were on our menu for the week. but leftovers from those 2 fed us on the third night. and we went out last night since plans changed and we needed to hit the grocery store for groceries for the orphanage. and tonight we'll have the 3rd meal on the menu. there you go! :) glad you're back to blogging!!

JTNCM Young said...

My mother always said deciding what to cook was way more trouble than the actual cooking, so I avoided her problem and began to plan menus when I was first married. Planning our menus helps to keep me sane; it also helps us eat more balanced meals. When we get caught without a plan, we are are far more likely to throw together what is quick and cheap, but not very nutritious. Looking at the week or month overall is helpful to provide variety, too.