Monday, December 8, 2008

Time for a Schedule

Well, I have no excuses for why I haven't been posting. It makes me sad to look and see that I had been posting almost daily (sometimes more) and now it has been a week. I love this blog and I love to post, hopefully I will be more regular soon. I may just have to begin scheduling my day so that I can do this. I am not and have never been a schedule person. We (my family) have always just done what we needed when we needed, but with all that is going on in our lives and the ages of our children, I think it would be good for us to start some sort of schedule. I plan to start working on a schedule this month with the plans to actually START the schedule in January, when we are done traveling and my husband and I are back in school.

Why do I think we need a schedule?

Well, I think it would be better for my kids to have some sort of idea as to what to expect. Maybe some of our behavior issues come from not knowing what is next and too much free play time. Hopefully with some structure and planning they will be more content and less likely to find trouble.

I also need to find time for homeschooling my 3 1/2 year old. No, he doesn't have to be home schooled yet, but he really enjoys it and I think it would be good for us. I would also like to know if homeschooling is really an option for our family before it is time to actually do it. I have wanted to home school for a long time, but if I can't be organized enough to do it,then I need to know sooner verses later.

Finally I need to get a routine in my own life so that I can manage the basics of housekeeping. You know, laundry, dishes, floors, all the things mommies are supposed to do. I feel like I work all day and get nothing done. Maybe that is how it is supposed to be but I need to see some sort of progress. We have also discovered that our 3 1/2 year old (my oldest) can be quite the helper here around the house. He can clean off the table (complete with wiping it off and wiping off the chairs), he can help with sweeping the kitchen (he uses the small dustpan and broom), he can help collect the trash, and he can make his bed (okay, well we are still going to have to work on that).

I think my oldest is bored (though he doesn't know the word, so PLEASE don't teach him). I think with some structure, chores and discipline (from our whole family) that we could really improve on some things in this house.

What suggestions do you have? Do your kids help out? If so what are there ages and what can they do? Do you have a home school plan for preschoolers?

I saw a really interesting schedule here of one lady. I think that some of her ideas are great and some are great since she has girls, but some wouldn't work for my boys. Her blog is what got me thinking about the fact that we really need some structure around here. There are some ideas I would love to borrow from her. She seems to be an awesome woman with her act together. I could really stand to take notes!

I really would like to hear from you (if I didn't lose you while I was being lazy and not blogging). What works for you?


Unknown said...

Keaton (20mos) picks up his toys at the end of the day in the living room & his room. He helps me put away Benjamin's clothes (B's clothes are in wicker baskets on a book case...K's clothes are in his dresser & he can't open those drawers). He helps me carry his diapers to his & B's rooms...He takes dirty burp cloths to B's laundry basket...

we're not planning on home schooling for K+ but, I've already started looking at pre-school stuff (not that he has the attention span for it!) ;-)

Oh, and we read the same blog, lol :)

The Copelands said...

I wish I could offer some helpful advice but I think I'm in the same boat you're in--we need to work on our own schedule. The boys do help out some. They both clean off the table after dinner and sweep (with dust pan an little broom) under the table and chairs. They've also started helping unload the dishwasher. They're also in charge of putting up their clothes and toys--of course they need some work in this area.

Family said...

Totally agree that a rough schedule is needed for us...I think the girls have problems when they don't know what is expected of them. Go for it!