:) I am smiling because you all think I am about to talk about the presidential vote. Maybe not. Maybe I just revealed a little too much about how big that was to me. Truth is it was too big of a deal to me. And God has had my attention and I am working on that!
No, the vote I am talking about is the vote we place EVERY TIME we make a purchase. When we go to the store and purchase something we are saying, I like this, give me more! Now that could be said about any purchase. Matt and I try hard to think about what we are voting for, or what we are telling the store, when we buy something. We try to buy things that are made in the USA. It's important to us that we support America and the economy here. Now I know there are LOTS of people who are very content to pay less for the item made in China, but honestly, I'd just rather support America, even if it means paying a little more, and yes, this is coming from me.....
Most of you know me and know I'll use coupons and sales and puppy eyes and whatever else it takes to get something cheap or free at the grocery store or drug store. I am all about a bargain. So much so that I went to CVS three times this week! Yes, three times. Did you see the ad? Everyone should have gone! I got free toilet paper and free paper towels! HOLLA! Anyway. When I got the ad yesterday (Wednesday) about the Thanksgiving day sales I started planning how I would do this. I wanted to go early so as to not disturb my Thanksgiving day and I wanted to make the purchases in such a way that I'd spend as little money out of pocket as possible. I was also preparing food for Thanksgiving day and so I didn't do as much planning as I wanted, but I kept thinking about it and how I wanted to get it in.
This morning Matt, the kids, and I were all watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (b/c it is a BIG part of Thanksgiving for me!) and I started talking to him about going. We then started talking about what I would be voting for if I went. Matt reminded me that I was a bit sad that he is to be at work on Thanksgiving day (today) at 8:30pm. Which means he has to sleep this afternoon to prepare (which is why I am typing this on Thanksgiving), which means that our Thanksgiving has been cut a little short. We talked about how it hasn't always been this way. Just a few short years ago "his store" didn't open till 4 or 5 am on Black Friday. The response was SO large that they begin opening at Midnight. People lined up SO early that they have now pushed it back to 9pm. The people cast their vote, the stores listened and they responded.
I am not saying this to complain. No, please don't hear that. We are THANKFUL that they open then, the extra money he will make is VERY much appreciated! We do wish that wasn't an option and would gladly give up the money to have to time here at home. However, the store will be open and they don't really give an option, so Matt will be there :) And we will praise God when that check comes that is slightly bigger ;).
I am writing this to remind you that what you purchase, and when you purchase it tells the stores what you want. I know that seems elementary, but really when I think about it I am quite surprised. I have told MANY, MANY stores I want them open on Sunday, yet I am bummed that my husband has to work on Sunday. I complain about MSG and HFCS in foods all the time, yet occasionally I'll buy something with those ingredients, telling the store I want this item, get us more.
Now I know that the truth of the matter is that my little vote doesn't really matter. My not shopping at CVS today isn't going to keep them from opening next year on Thanksgiving. However we need to remember that our voice is heard no matter how small it may seem!
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