Thursday, December 10, 2009

Another Change

This didn't really fit with the previous post, but it is a new change none the less. I made our own laundry detergent! It was SUPER easy to do and I have now washed two loads of clothes in the "new detergent" and so far, I am very well pleased! It was VERY cheap to make. And it makes a TON! I am super excited about this since it is something I can do that is quick and easy, and cuts down on the budget just a bit! Interested? I used this link which I found very easy to follow and when it talks about grating soap, I used a whole bar of ivory soap. It was what I had on hand! Feel free to ask any questions! Not sure I can answer since I have only done it once, but I will be happy to try!


WOW! It has been a LONG time. I have not forgotten this blog at all, it has just been a bit removed from the front page of our lives. We are beginning a whole new "diet" at our house which really is nothing like what we have done in the past. We are trying to eat only whole foods, mostly organic, and raw.

Our oldest child has a few digestive issues, that most doctors want to treat medically. They have suggested putting him on medication indefinitely, which honestly just scares me. He is only four. I can't imagine starting him on a medication that I am not sure when we will stop. We have some "other" options. And one is to change our diet. That is where we are. This has been a gradual process. Well, I suppose it has. It seems very all of the sudden, but at the same time a long time coming.

If anyone is still interested, I think I may start "venting" here. Sharing what we have change and what we are trying to do. I would love questions, as they help me to figure out what we are doing and why!

So for now, we are working to only buy whole foods (which is HARD) and rid ourselves of the non-whole food items in our home. We have begun to buy only raw milk, eat beef that has come from the people who raised the cow, not the supermarket. We are trying hard to eat mostly organic fruits and veggies, meat and dairy too for that matter. We have just bought a grain mill attachment for our kitchen aid mixer. We will be getting wheat berries to grind and make wheat flour. We also bought a bunch of whole oats.

I have no clue where this is leading, or where it will end. I suppose we will see! Are you interested in reading and walking this new road with us?